Here at ToothStars, we make every effort to see and treat true emergencies as quickly as possible. We appreciate it can be very overwhelming for you and your child. If a dental emergency arises or your child is in pain and discomfort, we ask that you place your child's emergency needs above their school and social activities and your own work schedules. Please accept the first appointment that we have available to relieve your child of discomfort. Many times, dental emergencies are time sensitive and the earlier that you seek help the better the treatment outcome.
Some of the most common causes of injury to teeth are sports related injuries resulting from toys (baseball, basketball, etc.), bathtubs, tile floors, coffee tables, stairs, swimming pools, bicycle riding, trampoline, scooters, etc. If your child faces a dental emergency, please give us a call immediately. If you need urgent assistance after hours, please call our emergency number. Below are some tips and useful information with some of our more common dental emergencies.
If your child complains of a toothache, have them vigorously rinse their mouth with warm water, floss between the teeth, and inspect the area to see if anything is caught between or around the teeth. Do not apply heat, aspirin or topical ointments to the area as this can cause damage to the gums. Ibuprofen can be given. Please schedule an appointment as soon as possible.
If your child face is swollen as a result of a tooth infection, please do not delay in seeking help. Please call and make an appointment as soon as possible or go to the emergency room to assess where the infection is and how it can be treated promptly.
This is very common after a dental appointment as a result of your child having accidently bitten their cheek, tongue, or lip after local anesthetic. The area can look very alarming, please be reassured the area will look alot worse before it looks better over the next couple of days. It will heal, please encourage your child to brush their teeth as normal, do warm salt water rinses to encourage healing and restrain them from any acidic or spicy foods (as this will cause more discomfort). If after a couple of days you are still alarmed, call the office to make an appointment.
In the case of bleeding, apply firm pressure to the area with a towel or clean cloth. Keep your child comfortable and calm. Apply a cold compress to any swollen or bruised areas. If the bleeding does not stop after 15 minutes, go to the hospital emergency room or call the office to make an appointment.
Reassure your child, keep them calm and in a rested state. Have them bite on a folded cloth or gauze for fifteen minutes.
If a baby tooth is knocked out, DO NOT put it back in as it may cause damage to the developing adult tooth underneath. (Follow the instructions for 'bleeding after losing a baby tooth' and schedule an appointment to assess that no other injuries have occurred to the tissues or bond around the tooth).
If your child's adult tooth has been knocked out, find the tooth and rinse it with water to remove any debris. Do NOT scrub the tooth or use soap. Inspect the tooth and make sure that there are no fractures. Take care to hold it by the crown of the tooth and NOT the root. If the tooth is intact, try and insert the tooth back into the socket, taking care to note which way around the tooth goes and have the child hold it in place. If you are not able to place the tooth back, put it in a cup of milk and bring it to the dentist IMMEDIATELY. Time is very critical in the outcome of saving an adult tooth.You need to act quickly!
If your child has chipped/broken a piece of tooth, place a cold compress over the area of injury to reduce swelling if needed. Call the office as soon as possible to make an appointment to assess any injuries around the tooth and/or soft tissues.
If your child has sustained a large blow to the face and you suspect a broken jaw, use a cold compress to reduce swelling and head to the hospital immediately.
These are very common and can occur in different sizes and numbers around the mouth or lips. A change in weather, recent illness or hormonal changes can cause them to occur. They usually take 7-10 days to heal, larger ones can take a few weeks to heal. There are products at your local pharmacy that you can apply to relieve discomfort. Avoid sour or citrus foods or beverages. It will make the discomfort worse! If the sore lasts longer than usual or you are concerned, please don't hesitate to call the office for an appointment.